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PLTW Partnership update

Published: July 19, 2022

As part of our Ardagh for Education initiative, we are delighted to share a progress update about our multi-year education grant programme in partnership with Project Lead The Way (PLTW). The programme delivers science, technology, engineering and mathematics education to students from pre-kindergarten through high school (PreK-12) in our 24 communities across the U.S.

As part of our $50 million commitment, we recently concluded a third round of grant funding. In just over a year, we have committed nearly $8 million to 332 PreK-12 schools across the U.S. We’re seeing great results that are making an impact on young people in our communities:

Ardagh-PLTW middle school student from Union City Junior-Senior High School in our AGP-NA Winchester, Indiana community:

“I love PLTW classes because of the technology and the hands-on learning we get. I love working together with my classmates to solve problems. Also, I love the fact these classes teach me math skills in an interesting way.”

Ardagh-PLTW high school student from King Preparatory School in our AMP-NA Chicago, Illinois community:

“This PLTW engineering course has benefitted me because it has challenged me to think critically and has exposed me to something completely different than my other classes. I’ve learned how to work with technology, design and has given me skills that I can use after I graduate.”

We look forward to expanding this investment in the U.S. while providing our U.S. employees additional opportunities to engage with these Ardagh-PLTW schools, teachers and students going forward. Additionally, we intend to expand this important Social Sustainability initiative to our other regions in the future.

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