PLTW visit Ardagh Glass Packaging-Burlington
Published: July 7, 2022
Our colleagues in North America recently hosted the first of several local meetings about our Ardagh for Education STEM investment. The goal of these meetings is to introduce our local plant teams to the area schools that we’re investing in through our partnership with Project Lead The Way (PLTW).
Sean Cosgrove, Ardagh’s Global Head of Education Programmes and Gail Boydstun, Social Sustainability Ambassador in Burlington, worked with PLTW to coordinate the meeting at the production facility. Participants discussed Ardagh Glass Packaging and shared information about the local glass facility in Burlington, as well as Ardagh’s STEM investments. This was followed by a tour of the facility for the school leaders which was enjoyed by all.
In our Burlington community, we have committed $630,000 to 32 area schools. We’re looking forward to further engaging with the teachers and students that we’re supporting. We’ll have additional opportunities as we connect the PLTW classroom experiences to career pathways in STEM, in manufacturing, and career opportunities within Ardagh.