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Ardagh for Education: an update for International Day of Education 2025

Published: January 24, 2025

Now up and running in more than 40 Ardagh communities on three continents, Ardagh for Education has engaged more than 650 schools, upskilled more than 2,100 teachers and reached over 160,000 primary and secondary school students since its launch in 2021. To date, more than 1,000 Ardagh employees have participated in the programme by volunteering time in their local communities.

Looking beyond these numbers, we’ve seen a further, measurable impact: of our participating students, 95% report that they are now more aware of STEM career paths and 90% note improvements in problem-solving, communication and critical thinking through their Ardagh for Education classroom experiences.

An additional benefit is the natural connection that develops between participating schools and our business. Numerous Ardagh for Education students have taken up internships and apprenticeships at Ardagh facilities. These placements equip participants with hands-on, real-world experiences and open their eyes to some of the many possibilities and pathways available to them through a concentration in STEM.

Our strategy is to build on and amplify the impact Ardagh for Education has had in our participating communities – and in the future, to expand into Africa and other European communities.

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