Global sustainable packaging

Sustainability deals with global and regional issues concerning emissions, ecology and social responsibilities, Ardagh’s sustainability pillars. In 2020, we launched our new Sustainability Strategy to reinforce our commitment to the circular economy. As part of our strategy, we have mapped out ambitious commitments and targets for the next decade. Our targets continue to focus on CO₂​ reduction and maximising the use of recycled materials.

Both metal and glass are permanent materials and are therefore infinitely recyclable without any loss of properties. As part of functional engagements with our customers, our team addresses key sustainability challenges such as climate change, water stewardship and responsible sourcing. Below, please find our latest sustainability news along with our 2020 environmental data including 2030 targets.

Coverage of plants with certified management systems 2020 – 2022

Sustainability news

Our sustainability pillars




Our sustainability strategy is based on taking a proactive approach to our three ‘Pillars of Sustainability’ – Ecology, Emissions and Social. We aim to minimise our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reduce our ecological impact and support our people and our communities.

We take sustainability seriously and we strive to achieve change and implement initiatives to be rewarding on all levels. We are committed to adopting Science-Based Targets.

We are also rated B by CDP for climate change and water management and A- for supplier engagement. We actively promote and support community engagement across our organisation, with a particular focus on educational development in all communities in which we operate.

We track, monitor and measure our sustainability progress to ensure we deliver on our commitments.

Sustainability Accreditations

*Ratings for Ardagh Glass Packaging




Policies and standards

Ardagh is committed to conducting its activities with the highest standards of integrity and business practice in all dealings with its stakeholders. We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and to operating in an ethical, sustainable and honest way. The below policies guide our business and those with whom we work.

Code of Conduct | Environment Policy | H&S Policy | Social Sustainability Policy | Employment Policy
Responsible Procurement Policy | Responsible Procurement Guide

Sustainability Associations

Protecting our environment

Material consumption 2020 – 2022

7,997,337 MT of material melted 2021 – 7,877,016 | 2020 – 7,527,027
6,717,960 MT of material packed 2021 – 6,630,186 | 2020 – 6,285,978
64,162 MT of raw steel used 2020 – 60,842
660,857 MT of raw alu used 2020 – 592,213

Energy consumption 2020 – 2022

3,836,619 MWh electricity consumed 2021 – 3,756,878 | 2020 – 3,570,506
11,742,210 MWh fossil fuels consumed 2021 – 11,616,619 | 2020 – 11,410,632
2,947,704 Glass 2021 – 2,926,110 | 2020 – 2,806,420
888,916 Metal 2021 – 830,768 | 2020 – 764,086
10,970,191 Glass 2021 – 10,884,994 | 2020 – 10,738,231
772,018 Metal 2021 – 731,625 | 2020 – 672,401

Water withdrawal 2020 – 2022

7,206,209 m3 municipal water supply 2021 – 6,488,834 | 2020 – 6,547,919
1,765,288 m3 groundwater 2021 – 1,944,682 | 2020 – 1,888,670
281,274 m3 surface water 2021 – 554,625 | 2020 – 586,522
9,252,770 m3 total water withdrawal 2021 – 8,988,141 | 2020 – 9,023,110

Greenhouse gas emissions 2020 – 2022

3,022,259 t (tonnes) direct CO2e (Scope 1) 2021 – 2,966,053 | 2020 – 2,907,517
1,473,185 t (tonnes) direct CO2e (Scope 2) 2021 – 1,422,026 | 2020 – 1,505,189
5,382,724 t (tonnes) direct CO2e (Scope 3) 2021 – 5,016,969 | 2020 – 5,077,635
2,866,237 Glass 2021 – 2,818,014 2020 – 2,770,758
156,021 Metal 2021 – 148,038 2020 – 136,759
1,262,007 Glass 2021 – 1,224,857 2020 – 1,294,966
211,178 Metal 2021 – 197,169 2020 – 210,223
2,293,285 Glass 2021 – 2,248,019 2020 – 2,239,617
3,089,439 Metal 2021 – 2,768,950 2020 – 2,838,018

Total greenhouse gas emissions 2020 – 2022

9,878,167 t (tonnes) CO2e (Scope 1 + 2 + 3) 2021 – 9,405,048 | 2020 – 9,490,341

Waste 2020 – 2022

63,826 Total waste MT 2021 – 77,160 | 2020 – 66,494

Our employees 2020 – 2022

20,524* Number of direct Employees (Globally) 2021 – 16,412 | 2020 – 16,443 *only 2022 includes AGP-A

Employees covered by formal collective agreements concerning working conditions.

Employees represented in formal joint management-worker health & safety committees

Employees covered by formally-elected employee representatives

Employees received regular performance and career development reviews

Workforce gender chart

Male – 84%

Female – 16%

22% of line managers are female.

20% of the global workforce are minorities.

94% of permanent employees

Accident reporting 2020 – 2022

0.50 Lost time accidents 2021 – 0.56 | 2020 – 0.35* *excluding AGP-A
1.45 Recordable accident rate 2021 – 1.59 | 2020 – 1.27* *excluding AGP-A
36.9 Severity rate 2021 – 34.8| 2020 – 39.9* *excluding AGP-A
0 Fatalities 2021 – 0 | 2020 – 3

Sustainable supply chain 2022

Contracts with sustainability clauses

Critical category suppliers with a CSR risk analysis

Procurement category managers trained in prevention of human exploitation

Suppliers who shared data on conflict minerals

Building a sustainable future

We recognise that emissions, ecology and social sustainability are closely linked and that the long-term economic performance of Ardagh has an impact on our employees, local communities, customers, suppliers, investors and other stakeholders. That’s why we continually invest in systems and processes that improve the efficiency of our operations, reduce costs and increase competitiveness. One initiative, for instance, promotes customer and supplier partnership programmes in order to strengthen relationships along the supply chain.

Another initiative led us to develop a sophisticated process of preheating our glass raw materials to give energy savings of up to 15%. The system, which heats the batch to 300°C, cost in the region of €2m per site and so far has been introduced in five facilities, with a further three planned over the coming years. This investment in environmentally friendly systems forms part of our long-term sustainability strategy.

Targets for 2030

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