Respecting human rights
We believe that respecting human rights is fundamental. We are committed to respecting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and to supporting human rights within our business and across our global supply chain.
We are committed to:
- Upholding labour standards: adhering to applicable labour laws and regulations in all the countries in which operate, including ensuring that there is no place in our business or supply chain for forced labour, child labour or any other form of human exploitation.
- Supporting freedom of association: working to promote freedom of association and recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
- Providing a safe and healthy working environment: understanding that safety at work is a human right and ensuring that we operate safe and healthy workplaces.
- Environmental management: recognising that human rights extend to the right to a healthy environment, we are committed to sustainable practices that protect our planet.
- Preventing discrimination: working to combat all forms of discrimination wherever they can be found in our business or supply chain.
- Respecting civil and political rights: respecting all individual rights including right to freedom of opinion.
Social responsibility within our supply chain
We promote social responsibility throughout our supply chain and expect our suppliers to share in our commitment to social and ethical rights and to doing business in the right way. We expect all our business partners to adhere to the principles and values set out in our Code of Conduct and comply with our Responsible Procurement Policy [Does this exist for AG?]. This policy sets out our expectation for suppliers, and our supplier requirements are based on the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code principles. We have implemented a robust risk assessment process, which allows us to identify and address social and ethical risks within our supply chain.
Further information on how we promote social responsibility throughout our supply chain, including in relation to human rights, can be found in our Responsible Procurement Policy [Does this exist for AG?], our Human Rights Policy Statement, and our Modern Slavery Statement.