HomeSustainability strategy

Global sustainable packaging

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Sustainability deals with global and regional issues concerning emissions, ecology and social responsibilities, Ardagh’s sustainability pillars. In 2020, we launched our new Sustainability Strategy to reinforce our commitment to the circular economy. As part of our strategy, we have mapped out ambitious commitments and targets for the next decade. Our targets continue to focus on CO₂​ reduction and maximising the use of recycled materials.

Both metal and glass are permanent materials and are therefore infinitely recyclable without any loss of properties. As part of functional engagements with our customers, our team addresses key sustainability challenges such as climate change, water stewardship and responsible sourcing. Below, please find our latest sustainability news along with our 2020 environmental data including 2030 targets.



AMP: Zero waste to landfill 1 by 2025
AGP: Zero waste to landfill 1 by 2030


AMP and AGP: 100% renewable electricity by 2030
42% absolute Scope1+2 reduction by 2030*
12.3% absolute Scope 3 reduction by 2030*

*Approved by Science Based Targets initiative
Water usage

AMP: 20% intensity reduction by 2030
AGP: 26% intensity reduction by 2030


AMP: 10% VOC emission intensity reduction by 2030
AGP: 23% NOx emission intensity reduction by 2030