Our DE&I Strategy

Our strategy is guided by a roadmap of three pillars – Culture, People and Processes. Our aim is to achieve an environment that embraces DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) where everyone is treated with fairness and respect, both internally and externally in collaboration with customers, suppliers and across the industry.

What does DE&I look like at Ardagh?

  • Diversity – We believe that true success is achieved by celebrating di­fferences through a collective eff­ort. We strive to reflect the diversity of the communities we operate in within our workplaces.
  • Equity – We define equity as the fair and just distribution of resources, opportunities, and recognition.
  • Inclusion – We are mindful of others, inviting contributions from everyone and valuing diversity of thought. We all need to be comfortable and confident to be ourselves while at work.

How we approach DE&I?

  • Trends: We compare against industry data and monitor how we are trending.
  • Communication: We provide regular progress updates, reporting regularly in accordance with our sustainability commitments.
  • Awareness: Through activities and platforms such as employee resource groups, our unique digital learning and training platform and employee engagement surveys, we encourage diverse perspectives and balanced representation.
  • Engagement: We actively listen to our colleagues, take appropriate actions and share accountability with regional employee resource groups that support inclusion in our workplaces.
  • Compliance: We ensure alignment with the regulations of every jurisdiction in which we operate.
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